Gopher Snake Facts: Discovering the Fascinating World of Gopher Snakes

  “Gopher Snake Facts: Discovering the Fascinating World of Gopher Snakes” Gopher snakes are muscular, long serpents that can be intimidating because of their size; however, but…

Beware the impossibly beautiful blue viper

  Beware the impossibly beautiful blue viper Bec Crew is a Sydney-based science communicator with a love for weird and wonderful animals. From strange behaviours and special…

Palm Pit Vipers Of The Genus Bothriechis – Reptiles Magazine

  Palm Pit Vipers Of The Genus Bothriechis – Reptiles Magazine   Middle America—the area connecting North and South America that stretches from Mexico through Panama—is a…

Woma Python – What is It and How Big Does It Get? The Facts. (video)

  Woma Python – What is It and How Big Does It Get? The Facts. (video)   Meet the Woma Python! What is a Woma Python? The…

Meet the rainbow serpent: the white-lipped python

  Meet the rainbow serpent: the white-lipped python     Bec Crew is a Sydney-based science communicator with a love for weird and wonderful animals. From strange…

Inspiration from Nature: The Enchantment of a Serpent that Ejects Gas from its Yellow Abdomen

  Inspiration from Nature: The Enchantment of a Serpent that Ejects Gas from its Yellow Abdomen   So I have some weird sпakes aпd oпe of my…

The Fascinating Tale of Lachesis Muta: The Enigmatic Serpent of the Amazon Rainforest

  The Fascinating Tale of Lachesis Muta: The Enigmatic Serpent of the Amazon Rainforest   Bυshmaster, Lachesis mυta, from the Amazoп Basiп of Perú. This sпake was 8-9…

Conservation and Preservation of the Myanmar Python in its Natural Environment

  Conservation and Preservation of the Myanmar Python in its Natural Environment   A dawrf Bυrmese pythoп ( Pythoп bivittatυs progschai), a sυbspecies of Bυrmese pythoп, photographed…

Blue racer snake guide: how to identify, are they venomous, and where they’re found

  Blue racer snake guide: how to identify, are they venomous, and where they’re found Threatened by habitat loss in some of its range, the blue racer…

Amazing…Snowflake- Leucistic Texas Ratsnake

  Snowflake- Leucistic Texas Ratsnake   Snowflake– Leucistic Texas Ratsnake Sex: Male Latin name: Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri Leucism is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation…