Life at Bethesda Fountain, Central Park in 1976

Life at Bethesda Fountain, Central Park in 1976

The Bethesda Fountain is one of the largest fountains in New York, measuring twenty-six feet high by ninety-six feet wide. It is one of the most well known fountains in the world. Here are some vintage photos of people gathered around Bethesda Fountain in 1976.

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976

Central Park in 1976


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