Old house from 1887 was about to collapse – but check it out now

For a long time, the neighbors could only stand and watch as this incredible house in York, Pennsylvania, rotted away. Walls, doors, windows – everything crumbled, and it looked like it could collapse at any time.

For a long time, the neighbors could only stand and watch as this incredible house in York, Pennsylvania, rotted away.

Walls, doors, windows – everything crumbled, and it looked like it could collapse at any time.

The house was built back in 1887 and is a magnificent example of Queen Anne-style architecture. It’s named after Queen Anne, who ruled England in the early 18th century.

Her name is associated with a sense of the old-world elegance, extravagance, and ornate details. Today, the style is quite iconic, and these houses are often asymmetrical, with highly ornamented facades and more than one story.

With five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and loads of intricate brick details, this particular house on 505 Linden Ave in York, PA, was truly special.

But unfortunately, no one managed to keep it under supervision; the owners let it fall into disrepair. Fortunately, however, one person saw the potential and value of restoring its architectural history…

Check out this makeover below and see how beautiful it is today:


It’s hard to believe, right? The 2,879-square-foot house looks completely different!

The whole building has been carefully restored and is painted with inviting shades of olive green, terracotta red, and gold.

When the house went on sale and its pictures went viral, people were clamoring to learn more about the beautiful house. At the time it was licensed to be a bed and breakfast but it could also be used as a family home; like it was perhaps originally intended.


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