Squire’s Castle Getting Renovations to Reflect Original 1890s Style of Building (Video)

There’s nothing like a hike through the Northeast Ohio wilderness. Our landscape is lovely, from the surprises within the Cleveland Metroparks to the wonders of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. There is so much to love here, particularly in the cooler months when leaves begin to display their most vibrant hues. As you wander through golden-hued forests in this one Metropark, you’ll uncover the shell of an abandoned castle that’s actually open to the public. Get ready for an experience you’ll never forget!

There’s nothing like a hike along Squire’s Lane Trail as autumn approaches.

This gorgeous site in North Chagrin Reservation is a golden wonderland, particularly at dusk and dawn. A hike here is guaranteed to be memorable.

As the thickness of the forest subsides, you’ll find yourself approaching a place frozen in time.

Squire’s Castle may just be the shell of an abandoned construction site, but there truly is nothing like it.

The architecture of this beautiful castle is easily reminiscent of European baronial architecture, and the site will make you feel like you’ve entered a world shaped by the Brothers Grimm.

As is the case with other splendid structures in the Cleveland Metroparks, this castle is open to the public.

Feargus B. Squire, an executive with the Standard Oil Company, built this structure in the 1890s. The structure is built with local stone, and it originally had three stories and a basement.

The site was actually meant to serve as a gatekeeper’s house for an even grander estate, but the project was never finished.

The castle sat abandoned for only a handful of years before it was acquired by the Cleveland Metroparks.

Some say that Squire’s Castle is haunted…

The wife of Squire himself is said to wander these grounds, but she died after the property was sold. Could it be that she returned to their construction site in the hopes that someone would one day finish their dream estate?

…and as the leaves begin to fall and a breeze blows through the ruins, you could almost believe in a haunted history.

Who just abandons a castle, you may find yourself wondering. While Squire did vacation here, the rumors of hauntings are no more than local legend. The site isn’t even creepy, in fact! Many visitors would say it is nothing short of beautiful.

During your visit, informative plaques will fill in the history of the site.

There’s nothing like a trip through time in Greater Cleveland!

As you stroll from room to room in this gorgeous estate, you’ll find yourself entranced by the splendor of the Metroparks.

Who knew such majesty is so close to home?

Nothing kicks off autumn quite like a tour through an abandoned castle.

There’s so much splendor here in Northeast Ohio, and it seems there is something to discover around every corner. Have you visited the ruins of this grand castle? Share your experience in the comments below!

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