Unveiling the Enigmatic Charm of the Red-bellied Snake: A Hidden Gem of North American Fauna
Storeria occipitomaculata
Description: Red-bellied snakes are extremely variable in color and pattern. The back of this snake can be reddish brown, tan, or nearly black. It often has a light stripe running the length of its back. Three faint orange or yellowish spots are usually present at the base of the neck and, as the name implies, the belly is either orange or red. Red-bellied snakes have rough (keeled) scales.
Feeding/Diet: Slugs are the primary prey of this species. They also feed on earthworms, snails, soft-bodied insects, and “roly-polies.”
Habitat/Range: They are usually found in moist woodlands, often under rotten logs.
Reproduction: They give birth to 4-9 babies in the summer or early fall.
Miscellaneous: Like their cousin the brown snake, these little snakes may flatten their bodies and emit a foul musk when handled. Sometimes when disturbed, the red-bellied snake has the strange habit of curling its upper lip, apparently to make itself look more formidable.